DGN Technologies

Our Customers

Our customers trust and choose DGN because we:

    1. Address our customer’s needs and provide advice using a pragmatic, realistic approach
    2. Offer “End-to-End” services and solutions, such as, supporting strategy development, enterprise solutions and technology decisions
    3. Match people and processes to the system that will best allow them to meet their goals
    4. Provide our clients and prospective clients with education, not only in the initial project definition process, but throughout the implementation and
      then on an ongoing basis
    5. Deliver classroom or customized training as a core focus because education is a critical tool for our customer’s success
    6. Promote an environment of goal-oriented teamwork, family-like relationships and multi-tasking

News & Events

DGN Technologies TransportConnectTM Successfully Implemented at IDT, Inc.

SAP Certification of DGN solution

DGN solution implemented at Intuitive Surgical

DGN solution implemented at Champion Technologies

DGN Delivers SAP best Practice

DGN Presents at SAP Conference

DGN jointly hosts live webinar for TransportConnectTM with SAP EcoHub

Exhibitors - GRC 2010
Orlando, FL (March 16-19, 2010)

Platinum Sponsor - Aqua Adventure Water Park
Fremont, CA (June 10, 2009)

Sponsor - ASUG North CA Chapter Meeting
Pleasanton, CA (April 16, 2009)

Sponsor - SAP Administration and Infrastructure 2009
Orlando, FL (March 24-27, 2009)

Sponsor - GRC 2009 (Governance, Risk & Compliance)
Las Vegas, NV (March 17-20, 2009)

Sponsor - Managing your SAP Projects 2008
Orlando, FL (October 22-24, 2008)

Exhibitors - SAP TECHED 08
Las Vegas, NV (September, 2008)

Sponsor - ASUG North CA Chapter Meeting
San Ramon, CA (March 19, 2008)

Premier Sponsor - GRC 2008 (Governance, Risk & Compliance)
Orlando, FL (March 10-13, 2008)

Sponsor - GRC 2007 (Governance, Risk & Compliance)
Las Vegas, NV (March 12-14, 2007)

Sponsor - ASUG North CA Chapter Meeting
San Francisco, CA (November 10, 2005)

Gold Sponsor - 2005 ASUG CRM Forum
Phoenix, AZ (October 9 - 11, 2005)

Gold Sponsor - SAP Services

SAP Services

Altera Paypal
Credence molina
Disney SAP
Ebay Siemens
Stubhub Varian
atmel EIG
fujitsu Genentech
Grant-thornton datadomain
Amgen ora_logo_small
affymetrix cvt
RockwellCollins SUN
Outperformance Novellus
SkyWorks MetricStreams
Totally KPMG
Magellan UnitedHealthCare
eHealthInsurance Evonik
Chep Avanex
Autodesk Maxager
United Illuminating Company Itruitive Sergical
Champion Technologies National Semiconductor
Scandisk the babcock & wilcox company
Grace LAuni
Great Seal of the State of Utah McDERMOTT
logo_blue_light generalatomics
altus fenwal
healthline AIC
acinfotech aerallc
aetea logos_new
Yahoo weroot
apertio pacificcare
aptina AAF
Utah State oclaro
Shopping peabody
Maxim MMWD
LAUSD Campus one
Affymetrix Century Link
Liberty Noble
Liberty Noble
Liberty Noble
Dolby Digital NetLook
Tiger Text Life Long Medical
eHealth iGate
MoneyGram EA
Powerly SC Johnson
arthrex tech Mahindra
matson keurig
qiagen 99 Cents
qiagen tcs
cisco cisco
cisco cisco
Vishay Onlok
Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago