Exhibitors - GRC 2010
Orlando, FL
(March 16-19, 2010)
Platinum Sponsor - Aqua Adventure Water Park,
As an effort to giving back to Community, DGN Technologies has sponsored the Aqua Adventure Park in
Fremont, CA. This sponsorship will ensure low income children living within the City of Fremont, CA to
enjoy the Water Park. Children who qualify for the "School Lunch" program are eligible to apply.
Fremont, CA, http://www.goaquaadventure.com/scholarships.php
Sponsor - ASUG North CA Chapter Meeting
Pleasanton, CA
(April 16, 2009)
Sponsor - GRC 2009
(Governance, Risk & Compliance)
Las Vegas, NV
(March 17-20, 2009)
Sponsor- Managing your SAP Projects 2008,
The event of the year for project managers and teams that plan, manage, or support SAP projects.
Orlando, FL, www.sapprojects2008.com
(October 22-24, 2008)
SAP TechED 08 - DGN Technologies Inc
are the Exhibitors at SAP TechED 08 in Las Vegas in September 08.
DGN Technologies' TransportConnect provides a comprehensive suite of tools for
managing the complete
cycle of change management. TransportConnect manages end-to-end change
control, compliance, audit, and
optimization for SAP software systems, with built-in risk p
revention functionalities for multiple regulatory and
compliance frameworks.
Premier Sponsor - GRC 2008
(Governance, Risk & Compliance)
Orlando, FL
(March 10-13, 2008)
Sponsor - GRC 2015
(Governance, Risk & Compliance)
Las Vegas, NV
(March 12-14, 2007)
Sponsor - ASUG North CA Chapter Meeting
San Francisco, CA
(November 10, 2005)
Gold Sponsor - 2005 ASUG CRM Forum
Phoenix, Arizona
(October 9 - 11, 2005)